Monday, January 31, 2011

January 24

Ernest Borgnine

TCM showed Mr. Borgnine films on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th as a tribute to his SAG Life Achievement. I decided to watch Marty. I tried to watch The Dirty Dozen and The Wild Bunch but the violence got a little too intense for me. Yes, I know it is a movie, but violence in films disturb me.

In Marty Mr. Borgnine plays a middle aged, single, lonely butcher. Every day is the same. The women cuts of beef and his family hound him to get married, since all of his younger siblings are settled. He is a kind, decent man who lives with his mother. He meets someone he is interested in and spends a long evening with her. He promises that he will call her the next day. His friends convince him that she is not pretty enough for him. He doesn't call and goes out with his friends instead. That evening he realizes he is an idiot and calls her. There a lovely shot of her at her home with her parents when she gets the call at the end of the film. I can identify with both main characters. Your friends, your family and acquaintances meddling in your affairs to push you in a direction that you don't want to go. I have spent many a night at home waiting for the phone to ring, pretending it doesn't hurt, when it really does.

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