Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 4 Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn

TCM celebrated Audrey Hepburn’s birthday with a marathon. I watched A Nun’s Story. Audrey played a young woman who becomes and nun and her life as a nun. It is not the most exciting movie I have ever seen, but it has its moments. At the beginning the journey into nunhood made me think of a person going into jail. Your identity changes from a person to a number. You cannot speak during parts of the day you cannot speak to the other nuns, you have your hair shortened and you to practice strict obedience.

After becoming a nurse she goes into the Congo to serve. Even in surgery she has to wear her habit. It is covered with a surgical gown, but it is still there. She has to take communion separately if she is assisting in a surgery. She becomes ill and after a short recuperation she is sent back home to fully recover. While at home Nazi solders have killed her father. She takes hate to her heart and feels that she cannot forgive her fellow man and decides she must leave the church. Everyone believes that she is taking it too hard and that she should stay in the church.

I always thought that Audrey Hepburn made a good nun because she had a ethereal presence.

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