Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1 Frank Morgan

Happy Birthday Rene Auberionois, Morgan Freeman, Frank Morgan, Andy Griffith and Marilyn Monroe.

TCM celebrated Frank Morgan’s birthday. I watched The Nuisance. Frank played an alcoholic doctor who assists shyster lawyer Lee Tracey. Lee gets to an accident before the ambulance. Frank states he will give up drinking, but doesn’t. Frank lies to Lee to get money to by more “cod liver oil”. When Frank is treating a patient he is very confident and sure of himself. He tries to convince Lee how bad one patient is, but Lee doesn’t listen, the man dies. Madge Evans is in a street car accident and works with the DA to get Lee. She is given a clean bill of health by a team of doctors and then goes to see Frank. He declares a problem with the spine. Frank meets up with a man who is getting into the racket and gives him the secret to the x-ray for $500 while under the influence of bourbon. Lee finds out and Frank feels awful. Frank says he wished he was dead so that he couldn’t testify against him. Frank leaves the office and goes out into the street at night. He is hit by a car and dies. Madge feels that she causes Frank’s death and falls for Lee and decides she has to leave town. Lee catches Madge on the train and pulls her off. He finds out that she is working for the other side. In court the next day as the trail turns to Lee’s coercion Lee cross examines Madge and she admits they were married the night before. A wife can’t testify against her husband.

Frank Morgan will probably always be remembered for The Wizard of Oz. He was great in his various roles in that film.

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